Murder Can Be FUN: Look! It’s a polar bear!

©2011 Evan Dorkin. From Dork #8Dork Volume 2: Circling The Drain. 141

Funny story. There are 2 more pages of FUN strips in Dork #8! They’re titled “Murder Can Be Fun”, which is the title of a comic zine Evan contributed to, and I didn’t put 2 and 2 together to figure out that they were, you know, FUN strips. Despite the similar formatting, and the word FUN in the title… and yeah. Sorry. Dropped the ball. But at least not so badly that I ran the strips out of order. So strap yourself in for 14 days of hilarious, true-life murder, courtesy of Evan Dorkin and John Marr!

More about Murder Can Be Fun and John Marr at:

– Christopher