My friend Rich Stevens (creator of Diesel Sweeties) posted some really sage words of advice over at his LiveJournal this week, about “The How and Why of Making Webcomics“, but it’s really about finding the drive and strength for any artistic pursuit. Rich is one of the 5 or 6 people making his living from being a webcomicker, and as such I find his opinions on the subject tend to carry a lot of weight.
He’s come up with seven… well, he probably wouldn’t call them “rules” but let’s say seven pieces of advice for folks that want to produce webcomics (or any kind of art). They’re good rules, in my humble opinion, and at the link he actually backs them up with examples and… you know, stuff. Sorry, my head’s not in the game today, but the info at the link is really good. Go check it out.
“You’re here for the audience. People should be able to count on your being there for them when you say you’re going to be there. Life is annoying, uncertain and full of problems. Comic strips exist to give comfort, make people think and generally help them get through their day/week/geological epoch.
“Stick to your schedule and do your best. Your audience will quietly appreciate you and help you out when you need it. If you work out some personal issues and make yourself feel better for creating something, all the better.”
– Richard Stevens
– Chris
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