Hey, I actually got a chance to check out some of Kramers Ergot 7 while I was in San Diego. It was already on my buy list, honestly, because I’ve got all the other ones and the creative line-up sounds amazing. But the stuff that I’ve read and glanced at is really is top-notch… It’s probably going to make things worse, not better, if this thing is really good right? Like, people will be more upset that they can’t afford it? I can’t tell if it being good will make people more or less angry about the price. Maybe if it’s bad they’ll be happier, because that’ll justify their insane hating? Or passive-aggressive non-opinions?
Actually, haha, actually the whole argument reminds me of an Achewood comic where roast beef gets a new shirt. He gets this shirt from a girl who likes him and he tries it on and feels pretty good. Then:
Except it’s not just in his head, those are real people doing that. For tonight’s performance, the roles of the angry cartoon animals that exist inside the depressed cat’s imagination will be played by people in the comics industry. It’s kind of amazing and awful at the same time? Like, people gathered down to shout-down a project that they personally feel is too ostentatious? Can you imagine if this happened in other media? Like people protesting The Batman movie because Christopher Nolan didn’t remake the Adam West one? Haha… So sad/awful/amazing.
Keep hope alive, guys.
– Chris
I think it’s both the price point and the line up of artists that’ll make or break this book. If I can pick it up, and see that say, 75% of the artists are actually worth their salt, then thinking about dropping that insane amount of cash on a 96 page becomes a little more likely (but not, really, cause it’s way too much for my budget. I’d have ta save for a few months, honestly…). But if it looks like previous Kramer’s with their 50/50 (if that…) line up of good and bad or just awful, no chance.
I guess really the “tale of the tape” will be what’s in the book, but, come on, it’s gotta be a REAL GOOD BOOK for that price. I better be shitting my pants.
“Like, people gathered down to shout-down a project that they personally feel is too ostentatious?”
You don’t feel this may be a little bit outrageous for the average Indie Comics reader? It’s not about hating (because honstly, I don’t hate the idea of the book, I’m just questioning it’s need…) really, as it’s about putting out such a pricey volume in the current financial atmosphere.
But as i said in my own blog, maybe I’m just not Indie enough.
EDIT TO THE ABOVE: Awwww, you gotta love non comic people. When I mentioned this to my wife, she just said, “Who cares? Its just a stupid comic book! You don’t HAVE to LIKE it, or justify WHY you’re not gonna buy it! Jesus!!”
How true. In the grand scheme of things in the world, this is small…
I’ll probably wait and see the book before I make any rash decisions, like buying it or not buying it or complaining about it or heralding it. I admit, I’m a bit of an atypical consumer.
Is it my imagination or has Kramer’s always been kind of picked on by whole segments of the comics community? It’s like watching high school kids pick on that new kid who reads books and listens to really gay music, or something.
Having seen both the Adam West version (many, many times) and that new one, I can honestly say I prefer the former. Praise Allah. I don’t think the analogy is completely apt, really. I would say it’s more like people protesting the new Seinfeld movie because Larry David didn’t draw an awesome comic while on acid about what a lame douchebag Michael Richards is.
I don’t understand what’s even being argued. I feel like I’m missing something. Expensive art books are a thing that have existed since before I was born, by, like, hundreds of years, so…? I kind of don’t even understand how the fact there’s one more in the world is even worth talking about.
Helmut Newton sold a book for north of $12K, that SUMO book. I didn’t buy it– and I love photos of girls wearing horse saddles. That’s my favorite kind of photo. Or the Stanley Kubrick Archives Taschen put out a few years back– that was $200. I couldn’t afford that, either.
So what? Who cares? I bought other stuff. There’s all this other stuff. It’s a stuff-driven society– there’s no shortage of stuff. How much stuff do you need? They make lots of stuff, more stuff every year. You don’t have to worry about there not being enough stuff. There’s *already* so much stuff– I don’t even have time for half the stuff I already have! I’ve got stuff on top of stuff. If I can sum up what I’m trying to say in a single word, that word would be “things”.
Oh wait: the Newton book was only $1,500. I was thinking of another book from Taschen, the Ali book. Though the Taschen site prices everything as… Aaah, I don’t know– some books costs lots and lots. That’s all. Nevermind.
I think that guy who’s really upset about Kramer’s Ergot # 7 costing so much is really only upset because he heard Green Lantern gets a new costume in it, and he can’t bear the hole in his collection that skipping the issue will leave.
But…but I already bought all the previous parts of this storyline! How can they screw over the loyal fans who supported them through KRAMERS ERGOT #1-6 and then deny them access to the thrilling conclusion! How will we ever find out what happens to Kramerman and Ergotboy?
I’m canceling all my Buenaventura subscriptions. I’ll just read the plot spoilers on Wikipedia.