Japan 2007: Day 1 (Convenience Stores and Shopping Malls)

Day0- Sleepy Saitama

I’m in Japan. Above you can see Saitama just north of Tokyo, where we’re staying for much of our trip. It’s very hot and very humid here, but sitting here under some lovely A/C and looking back over today’s photos? It’s damned lovely. Also? I’M IN JAPAN. Everything is wonderful so far.


I’ve been up for 28 hours, so after arriving at Narita and taking the train through Tokyo everything is awesome. Variety stores. A mall. Bookstores, arcades, all of it. It’s absolutely amazing and I’m very tired and don’t have much to add. So! Here’s some more pictures (after the cut).




This is one of 4 aisles of manga at a mall bookstore. Sort of Waldenbooks sized. They had a huge selection of stuff. Just right of dead-center in this picture is the sign for the BOY’S LOVE section. So much BL/Yaoi… they’ll never, ever run out of work to license.


This was posted in the store. It is, I swear to god, just the itemized manga releases for the month of September.


Sooo tired…

– Chris

14 Replies to “Japan 2007: Day 1 (Convenience Stores and Shopping Malls)”

  1. You look taller than the mall signage! I’m glad you both got there safe, tell about the plane?? were the seats small?

    Take more pictures!!


  2. Damn, I hadn’t realized your trip was coming up so fast. And now you’re already there!! Have a fantastic time and post more pics. –> Hold it! You’re in front of a Starbucks! Are you sure they didn’t knock you out, fake the flight send you to Richmond Hill?

  3. Chris, I have to say I’m insanely jealous. I’m hoping to visit Japan myself one day. Great photos. Safe travels.

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