Green Lantern & Free Comic Book Day Musings

I’ve appeared on a few other websites, again:

“It’s kinda hard to root for a guy who thinks he’s the underdog but is in reality a good-looking fighter pilot with a smoking-hot girlfriend, great support network of friends, amazing apartment (exposed steel beams!) … oh, and a magical wishing ring.”

– Me, talking about the Green Lantern Film at The National Post’s Popcorn Panel


“All in all, I like FCBD but we haven’t noticed any slow-down for not participating. Hell, we didn’t even really hear much from our regulars about not holding it. I think it’s because we do so much outreach throughout the rest of the year–on average we’re doing 30 events for the public in a calendar year, and that’s not counting TCAF. We’re always trying to bring new folks through our doors, and while FCBD and legions of cheap giveaway comics are certainly helpful in that regard, I don’t really think they’re the only weapon in our arsenal, so to speak. ”

– Me, talking about Free Comic Book Day at ComicBookDaily

I’ve been doing some other writing too, but more on that when it’s ready. 🙂

– Chris

3 Replies to “Green Lantern & Free Comic Book Day Musings”

  1. “It’s kinda hard to root for a guy who thinks he’s the underdog but is in reality a good-looking fighter pilot with a smoking-hot girlfriend, great support network of friends, amazing apartment (exposed steel beams!) … oh, and a magical wishing ring.”


    Couldn’t you say essentially the same thing about Batman or Iron Man (rich guys with amazing tech instead of magic ring)? Or Thor or Superman (all powerful guys who have no need of a magic ring)? How is movie Hal Jordan different than the movie versions of those characters? And I say this as someone who has no particular interest in the Green Lantern character (excepting Darwyn Cooke’s “The New Frontier”) but who happened to really like the Green Lantern film.

    I can understand people tiring of super-hero movie trend, but I honestly don’t understand all the hate specifically directed at this film. For what it’s worth, I thought “Green Lantern” was much, much better than either “Thor” or “X-Men: First Class,” two films which I thought reeked of mediocrity.

    1. Dan- You’re bang on for the first part, but really? Superman, Batman, Iron Man, don’t spend time whining about how shitty things/they are. Even withing the realm of a narrative arc, I found Hal Jordan really reactive.

      As for the other bits, I haven’t seen Thor or X-Men First Class, because they looked very mediocre to me, so I can’t comment.

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