Welcome to the new Comics212.net

chrisbutcher.jpgWell, that’s better.

A few years ago I realised that what I wanted from a comics website wasn’t what I was providing, and that it was time to put up or shut up. So, for the most part I shut up, not having the time, energy, or ability to put together the kind of site I would hold in high regard. Quite a few new blogs and various websites have stepped up to the plate, and for that I’m grateful, but if I’m going to be applying for those ‘Journalist’ passes to get into comic conventions, it’d help to have a professional-looking website, eh?

Enter my friend Nadine, who in no-time at all whipped up what you see before you: a new WordPress-driven blog that will allow me the versatility and functionality to do something great. Thanks to Nadine for the hard work, and to all of you reading who, whether you knew it or not, shaped my decision-making process. I hope you like it, but if you don’t there’s a whole-new comments section to bitch into 🙂

Thanks for reading,

– Christopher

17 Replies to “Welcome to the new Comics212.net”

  1. This is the nicest theme I’ve ever seen for comics. I wish I could steal it for my own, it’s that nice.

    If Nadine’s reading this, would you email me? I’d love to know what you’d charge to do a theme for my site. This really is lovely.

  2. Oi, the new layout looks might nice. Welcome to the world of good-looking blogs, finally a reason to not read this feed-only.

    Now, might I direct your (or Nadine´s) attention to this post of mine, on the topic of WordPress Plugins, to make this, maybe, even more good !?

    Subscribe to Comments is a must where I am concerned and I´ve made it my mission in life to make everyone use it.

    Also, Forbidden Planet is linked twice in the Blogroll.

  3. Christopher —

    This looks superb. The old design didn’t bother me, but now that I see this, I see why you wanted to overhaul the blog. This looks classy as hell and easy to navigate and understand, too. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you have to say about comics, and I hope you’re energized by the new look into saying more than ever before.


  4. Thanks everyone, I appreciate it 🙂

    Myk- There’s an RSS feed for comments off to the right there, which should work. I’ll look into that plugin though.

    – Chris

  5. Very nice new layout, which only increases my desire to get onto WordPress. But, er, should I be reading anything into my disappearance from your side-bar?

  6. Chris, with the comments feed, I get all of the comments. With the plugin, I get notified of replies to individual posts I subscribed to. Makes keeping track of a discussion mucho easy, even while the post is sliding down the front page.

  7. Spiffy new purlieu, Mr. Butcher.

    Am I the only one getting “Page no display” errors when I click on all the RSS Feeds’ links? Just a momentary thing?

    Dang, Chris, I spent a sizeable portion of yesterday reading about RSS Feeds and still feel queasy about how to incorporate a Comments section into (what will be when it’s out) my new site. Or this RSS bizness.

    Anyone out there reading this that can direct me to a site which says, “OK dummy, here’s a step-by-step on how you transform your html document from your web site (that you update daily but currently have no comments or RSS stuff ability) into one that does, I would be ever so grateful.

    Thanks for the continued listing of the store’s Wednesday shipments. VERY helpful! Re-stock Criminal #1 and 2 and save me copies! 🙂


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