Japan 2007: The Studio Ghibli Museum & Mitaka


Studio Ghibli, the animation studio behind classic animated films including Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, and the Academy Award-winning Spirited Away, has been amongst the most prominent and venerated exports of Japanese culture to the west. The films of Studio Ghibli and it’s head, Hayao Miyazaki, were right there at the beginnings of my own awakenings into Japanese culture; Nth generation fansub VHS tapes passed from University student to University student through “internet”, and they somehow wound up in the hands of a bunch of 13 year olds in Brampton. Through the grainy, fuzzy, poorly-tracked screen we could see into a world that was beautiful and deadly and sad-but-hopeful, visions of our own world: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind was a revelation.

What’s that you say? There’s a Ghibli Museum in Japan? And it’s easier for foreigners to get tickets through local Japanese cultural agencies than actual Japanese? Let’s go!

Continue Reading Behind The Cut:


The Ghibli Museum is in Mitaka, a medium-sized suburb of Tokyo just a few train stops from Shinjuku Station. As a brief aside, we almost never had a problem getting _anywhere_ we wanted to go in Japan. From Mitaka station to the bus stop that goes to Ghibli, there was always clear, well laid-out English signage to direct us.


Ah yes, The Bus Stop! From the Mitaka train station, the Ghibli Museum is really only a 2km walk or so, but having walked 40 km since I got to Japan and with an overcast sky threatening to open up at any moment, we decided to take the (relatively inexpensive) shuttle bus to the Museum. The bus is, of course, branded with the Heraldry of the museum as well as little nature icons. Also? Japanese buses are adorable.


I decided to wear the new shoes I picked up in Harajuku the night before. Long day on your feet + new shoes? Awesome Idea!


Okay, I’ve tried not to play the “foreigners are different than us, and therefore hilarious!” card at all during this, but I totally lost my shit when I read this on the bag of the guy in front of me waiting for the bus.


I saw you sad.
and your sadness is very sexy.
strong fragile man you know what I mean?
because this is love, maybe.


Hey, hey reader? Your sadness is very sexy. Just putting that out there.


Sadly, we got a standard Mitaka City bus that was cute, but not Ghibli-themed, and therefore less cute.


The approach to the museum is neat, with little bits of it peaking through the trees even before you ‘arrive’. The museum is built into an actual park-area, so it’s surrounded by lots of lush green trees and grass, and a small community.


Because of the threat of rain, the Museum had put out awnings to keep us dry whilst waiting to head inside.


The museum is not just a building. It’s sort of like an embassy from Narnia or Wonderland–the aesthetic of Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki’s films in particular pervades every aspect of the experience, from the exterior design which has a very… unique feeling meant to integrate with the surrounding park to the interiors, which feature the lush dark woods and design of films like Spirited Away and Kiki’s. There is no point at which you think “oh, they forgot to design this bit”. Except for the awnings out front.


In Japan, particularly anywhere you want to be, they don’t want you taking pictures. So while this Totoro stained glass is pretty awesome, it also got me ‘spoken to’ and asked not to take anymore pictures inside… Because of this, I was not able to take many photos inside.


This is the interior of the main hall, which goes up more than three stories and ends in something pretty cool…



These photos are of the little grotto pictured a few photos ago. It was really lovely and serene.


You can’t really see it, but the skylight at the top of the main hall has a bladed ceiling fan, with the blades constructed to resemble airplane or flying-machine wings from films like Miyazaki’s Laputa: Castle in the Sky. Also? Little walkways and hanging tapestries everywhere. Neat!


Did I mention there’s a giant stuffed catbus for kids to climb on? There totally is. I really wanted to climb the catbus, but man, would that have been awkward. If you’ve got kids, take them while they’re still young enough to appreciate the above.


The third floor leads to a spiral metal staircase, that leads to the rooftop garden. This is the utterly awesome top of the spiral staircase.



Tourist shot. So, I’ve been waiting to do this for years now. It was very fulfilling. Hehe.


A path continues along behind the statue deactivated robot husk, and into the rest of the garden, which feature something else very cool.




This will mean nothing to you if you haven’t seen Laputa: Castle in the Sky.

For me though? Awesome.




Some photos from the roof.


The thing is, if Miyazaki wants a water fountain, he designs an amazing steampunky water fountain with a fun handle and that works as an art object.


Or you know, why not make an awesome leaf-shaped bench with a spinning handle?


After the character goods-focused photos from last time, sure you aren’t interested in an exhaustive photography piece on the inside of the Ghibli Museum shop. <-- This is the lie that I'm telling myself, because I know you want photos of all of the exclusive and rare Ghibli stuff but they wouldn't let me take photos and so I've let you down. I'M SORRY. dscf3308.jpg

We decided to end our trip at Ghibli’s cafe, but with a 45+ minute wait to get in, we decided to try out their little outdoor snack bar instead. Hot Dogs, Ice Cream, Curry, and Beer? Don’t mind if I do. Notice the Porco Rosso.


Look, it’s Ghibli-themed beer! Let’s GET ONE!


This? Really good actually! It’s chilli with a quail egg on top and a delicious Miyazaki beer. This was a really nice little place to chill out and enjoy the surroundings, on a raised patio surrounded by greenery and happy families.


There’s a close-up on that label for all of you fans…


The last stop on our trip was to check out a free showing of a Ghibli movie only screened here at the Ghibli museum. Yay! We headed back down into a courtyard we had missed the first time.


This was a working well that we could not work very well. Nifty though!


This was the drain for that pump. Yeah, that’s just a drain cover…



This is part of the outside of the movie theatre… I really wish I could show you more, but there were staff everywhere. I guess you’ll just have to make the trip and see the museum… or more of it… for yourself!

As for the film we saw? It was an adorable little movie about a lost dog, that was incredibly easy to follow despite being in Japanese. The kids were enraptured the whole way through, awesome.


That marks the end of our trip. Some unhappy Japanese policemen kept the peace in the bus line-up, underneath an awesome Totoro bus stop sign.



And so we left Mitaka behind, with a lovely shot of its downtown core just outside of the train station. It’s a beautiful little city, and with all of the greenery as well as the bustle and proximity to downtown Tokyo, it seemed like just-about the most perfect place to live that I found while I was in Japan. Of course it’s probably a billion dollars, but still! Who else decorates their main street in pink lanterns? I’m on board for Mitaka. 🙂

As for the museum itself? It’s something that I think every Miyazaki fan should see. Sure, they wouldn’t let me take any photos, but the museum gift shops actually had two amazing books for sale on Ghibli and on the Museum, one was a thick book full of photos of the museum for like five bucks, and one was a massive tome done in the style of the Ghibli art books, on the history, vision, and construction of the museum, in both Japanese and in English! It even includes several interviews with Hayao Miyazaki! If you see it for sale anywhere, pick it up, it’s got a wonderful amount of insight into the mind of this master of Japanese animation.
…then we got on the train to Kyoto. But that’s for next time.
– Christopher

13 Replies to “Japan 2007: The Studio Ghibli Museum & Mitaka”

  1. Chris,

    this has been one hell of a travelogue, prohibition or no prohibition. The Ghibli Museum looks superb (sukoi?).

    If there was an animé underground at my university, then I sure as hell missed it. Would have appreciated something like that back then, too.

    We did get to see Laputa on British TV waaaaaaayyyy back in…Google says 1989…and even now it’s one of my favourite Ghibli films. I’d’ve loved to have seen that robot up close.

    (If you’re reading this in the UK and you have the channel, then I think Film 4 are showing a couple of SG films over the Chrimble period, including Kiki’s Delivery Service.)

    Anyway. Superb.


  2. They rotate the films, so when I was there they showed one called Yadosagashi (‘Search for Lodgings’), about a young woman going on a camping trip and meeting forest spirits. Very good, easy to understand without knowing Japanese (only about a dozen lines of dialogue, most of them ‘arigatou’), and with all the sound effects produced by actors’ voices.

    The cafe is nice, despite the long waiting times. I had a very upmarket version of a pork cutlet sandwich.

    I also have a photograph of the robot, naturally. Saw the sign telling you not to hog the step with the best angle?

  3. This was one of the stops I was most looking forward to hearing about. (Well, this and the TEZUKA MUSEUM) Those are some neat neat neat photos.

    Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  4. James: In retrospect we were pretty lucky, because even though it was a busy day, the rain kept it from being insane. We were able to take photographs outside without inconveniencing anyone. 🙂

    Hugh: You’re welcome! I feel bad because the pictures really only hint at how awesome the whole place is. I think you’ll end up being impressed with the Tezuka museum shots though, they let us photograph anything we wanted…! 🙂

    ADC: Cheers!

  5. Matthew- Sorry, just approved your comment. Thanks for the compliments sir. I’ve got like 4 or 5 more utterly amazing manga related posts.

    – Chris

  6. Apparently Miyazaki himself instituted the “no photos” rule for the Ghibli museum. He wanted visitors to experience the museum while they were in it and not spend the entire time taking pictures of everything to look at later. At least that’s what my wife, who is Japanese, read to me from a guide book.

    I think it also helps keep the crowd moving through the place which, I’m sure you can attest, is rather cozy.

    Glad I clicked on your ad over on postmodernbarney. We get to Japan about every 18 months and I’ve really been enjoying going through your travel diary.

  7. AFAIK the series of novels this is established on is yet pending (on hiatus?), so when the anime broke short, it was rumoured that if and when the novels get done, there might be more. Of course quite a piece of time has went since then, so it might be wishful thought at this point… I would love it, though.

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