Taiyo Matsumoto’s BLACK AND WHITE to return…

Black and White Movie - Tekkon Concrete

From an interview with Viz EiC Alvin Lu in today’s Publisher’s Weekly Comics Week:

“We’re looking to continue in other areas as well, like the Viz Signature line [a new line for older and more adventurous manga readers]. We’re looking to continue pushing that, and we’re looking to acquire titles this year and next. We’ve got Uzumaki and Gyo by Junji Ito and we’re excited about that. We’ve also got a new title this fall—a repackaging of Black and White [by Taiyo Matsumoto]. That’s the old title. The new title is Tekkon Concrete, which is [also] the title of the anime that will be coming out. That’s being released by Sony. It’s making the festival circuit now and will be released on DVD by fall.” – Alvin Lu.


Alvin told me about this at New York and I (quite surprisingly) kept my big mouth shut about it. But yeah, a new edition of Matsumoto’s Black and White this fall and, if what we talked about is correct, it’ll be a single-edition, and probably in the “Phoenix” size rather than the standard-format manga size. Which is goddamned awesome. Buy it. Buy it. Buy it.

– Christopher
[Image from the Tekkon Concrete Japanese Movie Website.]

9 Replies to “Taiyo Matsumoto’s BLACK AND WHITE to return…”

  1. God, I hope they don’t flip it back to being “unflipped,” like I heard is happening with the Uzumaki reprint.

  2. Brian- See the thing is, I heard both things about Uzumaki. I know it’s definitely going down to the standard manga trim (digest? Tokyopop size?) in the new edition, but I think flipped/unflipped is up in the air. It would make sense for them to print it flipped–the work is already done and a borderline title (ie: no anime tie-in) needs to be as economical as possible. Holding out hope…

  3. There is no way that I will not be buying this.

    That’ll be one more off my “people keep telling me to read this, but I can’t find it” list. And I think that’s the one with the most checkmarks beside it, so to speak.

    Although, honestly, I’d much rather own something titled “Black and White” than “Tekkon Concrete”. It doesn’t influence my decision at all, but there it is.

  4. I’ve got the earlier 3 volumes of Black & White that Viz published. Is this new volume gonna have anything new? I can’t remember if the story was finished.

    Did Viz ever put out a 3rd volume of No. 5? I think that was even better than B&W, I really like the fact that it was standard comic book size. Matsumotos art looks great at that size.

  5. Yes. Yes. Yessssss!

    I´ve been looking for Vol.1 for ages. I gave mine to a friend a while back and he lost it during a move…

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